Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chelsea Staub: new myspace blogs

Chelsea Staub updated both her myspaces (personal & music) with two blogs that mention the Jonas Brothers or JONAS:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yay! They’re starting to release a few production photos from JONAS!

A lot of you are asking what the letters stand for now that the spy theme has been changed. There were all kinds of legal reasons that they can’t call themselves the Jonas Brothers on the tv show… so now their band is simply called “JONAS”… and therefore the name of our show!!

We attend a private school called Horace Mantis Academy (HMA) and our school colors are blue and maroon. We wear school uniforms… with lots of plaid! Wait ’til you see how cute the boys look in theirs!!

We are getting a week hiatus for Thanksgiving… and I am going to ARGENTINA!! I met some wonderful international friends at the Disney Channel Games and Carla has invited me to visit her in Buenos Aires next week. It’s my first time leaving the U.S. and I am sooo excited! I will probably be out of touch for a little while, but I’ll take lots of photos and tell you all about it when I return!!

Thank you for all your support and love!! Life is getting busier and I can’t always reply, but I do read every word you write to me and I love hearing from you! You guys are the BEST!!


Friday, November 21, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!

I am off to Argentina tomorrow morning to spend my week hiatus from JONAS visiting my international Disney Channel friends and learning about a new culture! It was a very generous invitation and I am soooo excited!!

I have to admit that I’m a little nervous to be so far from home… especially on Thanksgiving. But my family is thrilled that I am getting this opportunity and we are going to gather for a belated Thanksgiving dinner next Saturday night when I return.

For all of you attending the Jonas Brothers concert on Sunday the 30th at the Hollywood Palladium… I hope to see you there!!!

Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving, Everyone!! I am incredibly THANKFUL for all of you!!
Peace, Love and Sparkles!!


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